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San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

Brittany Cruz-Fejeran

Brittany Cruz-Fejeran, Senior Staff, ’22-23 Photo Editor

Brittany Cruz-Fejeran (she/her/hers) is a journalism major minoring in history. She was born and raised on Guam before coming to San Diego to pursue her education in 2016. She was the Editor-in-Chief at The Southwestern College Sun and has a passion for photography. Brittany loves playing video games, particularly ones that hold strong narratives such as The Last of Us series and the Ori games. Whilst in school, she is a freelance photographer for inewsource, CalMatters, Voice of San Diego, and the San Diego Union Tribune, having previously interned with VOSD and the SDUT. Brittany’s biggest goal is to represent her island and tell stories of underrepresented communities.

All content by Brittany Cruz-Fejeran
Students use the official ballot drop box to vote on Nov. 8

[Photo] A guide to Proposition 1

by Owen Pratt, Staff Writer
November 8, 2022
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San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913
Brittany Cruz-Fejeran