San Diego State will now require COVID-19 booster shots for all eligible residential students and all student athletes starting Jan. 18, 2022.
This requirement was received with mixed feelings from current SDSU students, parents and alumni.
“The idea of the booster is really important to keep his (my son’s) experience at SDSU going,” Aztec parent Jane Gould said. “I want him to finish his sophomore year in person and keep everybody safe. COVID is obviously not going away.”
Gould said her son has felt safer this past academic year. However, his freshman year, which began during the fall of 2020, was a different experience.
“Last year, his freshman year was a little chaotic and there were things that had to get ironed out and systems had to be put in place,” Gould added. “Some things went more smoothly than others in regards to COVID protocols (at SDSU).”
Many users on Instagram responded to The Daily Aztec’s Q&A story asking how they felt about the updated requirement. Some negative responses included one saying “Very stupid. It should be a choice,” while another commented “Pretty… Orwellian.”

Another Instagram user noted how the requirement could be difficult to comply with because of when individuals are eligible for the COVID-19 booster.
“It’s dumb. You can’t get the booster shot until after 6 months from your last vaccination,” that Instagram user said.
If you are 18 years and older, individuals should wait at least six months to receive booster shots of Moderna or Pfizer or at least two months to receive the Johnson and Johnson booster shot, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Some people took the news positively and said “Better safe than online again.” A couple other Instagram users echoed the same sentiment saying “Happy, feel safer” and “Great. Let’s all get the booster!!!”
According to the university email, every student who gets their booster and uploads their vaccination records to HealtheConnect before Jan. 3 at 11:59 p.m. will receive a $10 Starbucks card. Those who upload proof of a booster to HealtheConnect prior to Jan. 17 will also be eligible to win additional incentives including iPads, Bookstore gift cards, SDSU Dining gift cards and more. Only one prize per winner will be allowed.
As of Dec. 15, in compliance with the newly announced CDPH requirements, all unvaccinated individuals who attend a mega event at Viejas Arena such as Basketball games and concerts must receive a COVID-19 test within one day of the event in order to attend.
In response to an expected holiday surge, California also announced recently that masks will be required in all public spaces indoors again regardless of vaccination status starting Dec. 13.
SDSU’s facial covering policy remains in effect and is unchanged, according to the university email. The existing policy complies with updated state and local public health guidelines and is aligned with updated California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidelines shared this week.
During the winter break, COVID-19 test kits will continue to be available for SDSU students, faculty and staff, including auxiliary employees with RedIDs, at the non-residence hall vending machine locations on campus. These sites should be used for surveillance testing only, as test pick-up will be limited to Dec. 23, 27 and 30 during the break. Non-residential vending machine locations can be found using the interactive campus map.
Information about other San Diego County-run testing locations and Imperial County test sites is available online, and most remain fully open during the break.